Sandy The Service Dog Series By Michelle M. Deyarmin

Sandy The Service Dog Series By Michelle M. Deyarmin

I love reading with Franco. He is at the age where is showing more interest in chapter books as opposed to picture books. Not only does he get to expand his imagination and language abilities, but we also bond over our shared interests and thoughts about the characters and their adventures.

I had the pleasure of connecting with Michelle M. Deyarmin, author of Sandy the Service Dog Series. 

Sandy is a service dog who helps Shelbie with her epilepsy and cares for her. The stories are heartwarming and uplifting, with morals any child would benefit from. The stories are perfect for young animal lovers!

Sandy the Service Dog: Lost in a Hurricane

Sandy the Service Dog: Lost in a Hurricane, illustrated by Jess Burhans, is about courage and unconditional love. Florida is bracing for an impending hurricane that will have a lasting impact on the lives of Shelby, her family, and their service dog named Sandy. In the midst of the storm, Sandy is carried away by the powerful current. The pressing questions are whether Sandy will be reunited with her family and Shelby once more. To make her way home, Sandy must enlist the aid of some new acquaintances she encounters along the way. The book’s pacing was something that I found to be particularly enjoyable. Michelle managed to maintain a steady momentum throughout the dream-like journey of her characters as they strive to return home, infusing it with humor and honesty. The book has valuable and poignant lessons, making it a heartwarming and uplifting read.

Sandy the Service Dog: Heroic Rescue

Sandy the Service Dog: Heroici Rescue starts with a family talent show at the zoo and turns into an unforgettable day that none of them will soon forget. While attending the show, Sandy and Max encounter a lost baby monkey in dire need of being reunited with his family. Along the way, they encounter a few friendly animals who offer their assistance, but also some less-than-friendly ones who impede their journey. The writing style of this book is straightforward and accessible, making it an ideal choice for young readers. The story itself is captivating and touching, offering a valuable lesson on the significance of service dogs and the unique connection that can be established between a dog and its owner.

Sandy the Service Dog: Honeymoon Disaster

Sandy the Service Dog: Honeymoon Disaster is about Sandy and Max, who are eagerly looking forward to exploring the beaches of Hawaii with their family, but an unfortunate mix-up lands them on the wrong plane. However, the dogs quickly take charge of the situation and devise a strategy to reunite with their loved ones. The artwork in this story is noteworthy and captivating. The illustrations effectively showcase Sandy’s incredible abilities as she supports Max through various obstacles. The book is an enjoyable, straightforward, and uncomplicated read.

Why these Books are Great for Children

Books highlighting the role of service dogs can be a valuable tool for educating young readers and helping them develop essential values and attitudes that will serve them well throughout their lives. Reading about the special bond between service dogs and their owners can instill in young readers a sense of empathy and compassion. By seeing how much these animals mean to their owners and how much they can accomplish together, children can learn to appreciate the power of human-animal relationships.

The stories in Sandy the Service Dog are both heartwarming and inspiring, offering valuable lessons that will resonate with readers of all ages. Young animal lovers, in particular, will find much to appreciate in the tales of Sandy. 

Read These Books To Help Better Yourself

Read These Books To Help Better Yourself

I used to say I don’t have time to read but in reality I just didn’t want to. I preferred to scroll on my phone in a daze instead of picking up a book on my down time. I am not one to make New Year resolutions, but I vowed to myself that I am going to try and read more this year. 

I love listening to podcasts and audiobooks, but I usually listen to them while I am working or doing chores around the house. With reading, I have no choice but to sit down and do nothing but read.

I have compiled a list of books that I plan to read this year. These books all have something to offer to help better myself in today’s world. Whether you are a working mom, stay at home mom or not a mom at all, these books are a must read.

The revelatory, inspirational mom book needed for every mom to crush that “never enough” mentality and slay every day.
A little book about goal setting, prioritizing, and managing your time during the challenging mama years.
Be the best version of you that YOU can be.
This book is two things. It’s an eye-opener to the fact that we don’t have to do a million things to be productive (or successful). And it’s a coach that helps us trim the fat, get real with our purpose, and start living more intentionally-Goop.
Beyond affirmations this book also shares tips to journal and discuss your own feelings and thoughts in a focuses way.
No matter your past mistakes, relationship status, career choice, or feelings, nothing can change the truth that you are so worth loving.
Christy Harrison takes on diet culture and the multi-billion-dollar industries that profit from it, exposing all the ways it robs people of their time, money, health, and happiness.
Experience again that first moment you fell in love with your child!
Mondays can be the worst. Some weeks it seems like the only way to get through the day is a gallon of coffee and a prayer. Instead of drowning that start-of-the-work-week-bitterness in endless cups of caffeine, pour yourself a cup of encouragement.
Working Mother, provides solutions for moms tasked with filling the role of employee, teacher and parent, all while attempting to maintain a semblance of sanity.
For anyone who feels less-than about your work, worth, body, or the life you’re building, find here an incredible hope: you don’t have to have it all together to “qualify” for your life’s calling.
For mothers who love their children with a fiery fierceness but know what it is to feel crushed at the end of those long days, Dear Mother is like a warm hug that says, “I get it.”
Loaded with unfettered support from a mom who has been through it all, You Are a F*cking Awesome Mom offers a lifeline of encouragement, inspiration, and community for the new mama who got a baby, lost her mind, and desperately wants to find herself again.
If you are ready to be a part of building a society rooted in love, acceptance, justice, and equality,Where to Begin is the ultimate inspirational guide.

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