Banana Puree Baby Food

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Banana Puree Baby Food: Easy, Nutritious, and Perfect for Your Little One

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Are you ready to take the first step in your baby’s culinary journey? This banana puree baby food recipe is not only simple but also packed with essential nutrients to support your baby’s growth. With just two ingredients, you can create a delicious and healthy meal that your little one will love!

As a mom introducing puréed food to my baby, Leo, who is about to turn five months, I want to ensure he gets the best start. With the cost of daycare and groceries, making my own baby food is a practical and cost-effective choice. Plus, I love knowing exactly what goes into his meals!


  • 2 ripe bananas: The bananas should be spotty and soft to ensure they blend smoothly and taste sweet.
  • 2-4 tablespoons of water: Adjust the amount of water based on the desired consistency.
Banana Puree Baby Food

Step-by-Step Instructions

  1. Prepare the Bananas: Peel the bananas and cut them into small pieces.
  2. Blend: Place the banana pieces in a blender or food processor. Start by adding 2 tablespoons of water and blend until smooth. If the puree is too thick, gradually add more water until you reach the desired consistency.
  3. Check Consistency: The puree should be smooth and free of lumps, perfect for your baby’s developing digestive system.
  4. Serve or Store: Pour the banana puree into a bowl and serve immediately. If you’re preparing it in advance, transfer the puree into airtight containers.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I store banana puree?

Store the banana puree in an airtight container in the refrigerator for up to 48 hours. For longer storage, freeze the puree in ice cube trays. Once frozen, transfer the cubes to a freezer-safe bag, where they can be stored for up to three months. When ready to use, simply thaw the desired amount in the refrigerator or warm it gently.

Can I add anything else to the banana puree?

Yes! Once your baby has tried and enjoyed plain banana puree, you can mix it with other fruits or even baby cereals to add variety and additional nutrients.

Is it necessary to cook the bananas before pureeing?

Bananas are naturally soft and do not need to be cooked before pureeing. Just make sure they are ripe and spotty for the best texture and sweetness.

Making your own baby food doesn’t have to be complicated or time-consuming. With this simple banana puree recipe, you can ensure your baby gets fresh, nutritious food while being mindful of your budget. Enjoy this special time of introducing new flavors to your little one!

baby food must haves

Banana Puree Baby Food


  • 1 Food processor


  • 2 bananas ripe
  • 2-4 tbs water


  • Peel the bananas and cut them into small pieces
  • Place the banana pieces in a blender or food processor. Start by adding 2 tablespoons of water and blend until smooth. If the puree is too thick, gradually add more water until you reach the desired consistency.
  • Pour the banana puree into a bowl and serve immediately. If you’re preparing it in advance, transfer the puree into airtight containers.

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