Toddler Room to Preschool Room For Superheros

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When Franco turned four, it was like a switch turned on. He started asking mature questions, making mature decisions, even having mature tantrums.

Another thing that practically happened over night was his height. His feet starting hanging off his toddler bed and he kept telling us his bed was for ‘babies’ which resulted him sleeping in bed with us every night.

I figured this was the perfect time to get Franco a big boy bed and give his room a little makeover.

Franco loves superhero’s and his playroom is themed with Marvel and DC characters, I figured I wanted to keep the same idea but with a different twist to get him excited to sleep in his big boy bed.

Personalization is a must so I made sure to have his name on a print. I also added ABC and number prints. You can find these prints plus more here.

I could not pass up the print of this superhero tiger !

I never knew how cute sloths were until I found this bedding! It has all of Franco’s favorite things including skate boards, motor bikes and of course superheros!

This three tier cart has been great for different parts of the house, using it as an organizer for Franco’s toys and books was perfect for what we needed and he is able to easily put things away.
All of Franco’s action figures and plastic toys are in his playroom. Here I decided to add his wooden toys which I find timeless! These are mostly thrift finds but the personalized truck is from here.
The giant City skyscraper was perfect for his wall and I added a superhero with my Cricut flying down to give it the perfect touch.
A basket to put Franco’s pillows and blankets is another great way to keep his room organized.
Dottie is a huge fan of Franco’s new bed check out which mattress and bed frame we chose!
A map of the sky from when Franco was born was something I always wanted and always had up in his room. I added the superhero mask to make sure it stayed in theme.

We have a happy preschooler on our hands and a happy mama for getting a full night sleep!

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Check out my previous blog post on how we decorated Franco’s playroom!

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