How to Use a Dermaroller Like a Pro

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I say this often, I wish there were more hours in a day.

When my head hits the pillow at night, I am unable to look back and see what I did all day because it all happens so fast. Since becoming a mother there have been a few things I needed to give up including expensive beauty routines. Not only does it become too pricey, I just simply do not have the time or energy to go somewhere and get pampered like I used to. I am a huge advocate for self-care and making sure I put myself first so I can be the best mother for Franco, so I needed to compromise on how to still keep my routine going.

 I want to share with you a self-care beauty tip you can do at home and feel like a pro doing it. If you want to reduce scars wrinkles and even cellulite, derma rolling, also known as micro needling is for you! 

Derma rolling exfoliates and reduces build up in the skin and helps products such as creams and serums absorb into the skin easily. Although it looks intimidating because a bunch of little needles are rolling into your face, don’t be because the needles are so tiny you will not feel a thing.

 How to use a derma roller :

  1. Start with clean skin and your roller is sterile.
  2. Apply a hyaluronic serum to you face.
  3. Roll the tool in sections. Roll slowly and gently on your forehead, nose, cheeks and neck. Do each part of your face multiple times before moving on to the next area, lifting the roller when moving to each section of your face. 
  4. When you are finished, wash your hands and apply the hyaluronic serum to your face again. If you want to apply some aloe as well to control redness and swelling you can do that also.
  5. Sterilize your roller and once it is dry you can put it away.

 A few tips for this procedure to be effective is drink lots of water, stay out of the sun for a few days after applying and do not wear makeup for about 12 hours after use. It is also not recommended if you currently have any acne or open wounds on your skin.

 You can start off slowly by rolling once a week and increase the more comfortable you get. This is not an instant fix and will certainly take time to see results!

 Derma rollers come in different sizes so be sure to check which one if for you. I used .25mm which boosts my absorption into my skin for creams and serums. Other sizes will help with wrinkles and scars. Also know that this tool is not just for your face, you can use on your legs or anywhere else where you have problem areas.

I hope this post helped encourage you to continue self-care even if you have no time and money! I can assure that you will feel amazing after you try derma rolling and not even break your bank!

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